Tag: spiritual healer

  • Day 25 of 45: It’s All Around You

    Day 25 of 45: It’s All Around You

    Today’s audio message was recorded inside our Telegram group, which you can join for free (easy! free! private!) by clicking here. This message is all about WHAT exists all around you and within you. You can hear the full 5-minute audio by clicking here.

  • Day 15 of 45: Consider the Source

    WOW! Just all kinds of wisdom in today’s audio – turning a negative into a positive, and reframing perspective all over the place. You are gonna love this one! Get even more on Telegram on my channel here.

  • Day 13 of 45: A Message for You

    Happy Easter! Here is a very short (4 mins) message that I received especially for you today. Don’t worry if you’re listening to this on a different date… if you’re here, then this is exactly what there is for you to hear today. No matter what… you are loved. Enjoy!

  • Day 2 of 45 AmyTalks: Boundaries, cont’d

    We continue talking about Boundaries and in this episode, I’ll give you specific examples of what you might choose to say and do in specific situations to set boundaries plus a BONUS tip on how to handle pushy people and still be nice and keep your cool! You’ll dig it 😉

  • The Truth about Joy

    Did you know that your body, mind, and emotions react differently to JOY as compared to HAPPINESS? Here’s why it happens, what it means, and how you can access more happiness, more quickly with these few simple tips. Enjoy – and check it out – the word joy is right there in ENJOY!

  • :: Amy TALKS :: Convergence of Energy

    :: Amy TALKS :: Convergence of Energy

    Here’s your latest “State of the Universe” address – and here’s what’s happening with the energy right now and why things feel as though they’re converging. Enjoy!

  • the Power of Intention with Special Guest Granny G

    the Power of Intention with Special Guest Granny G

    What is intention? Why does it matter if you set intentions or not? How can you use intention setting to your benefit and what does that look like in real life? What are the caveats of setting intentions? Discover this and more when the Spiritual Ass Kicker interviews Granny G.

  • Aversion to Completion

    Aversion to Completion

     Ever notice how you feel like you want to quit when you’re so close to being finished? As we wrap another year, this is the perfect time to look into an “Aversion to Completion.” Find out what it is, how it affects you, and whether or not you have it. BONUS clearing included!

  • Get Clear. Get Results. (TM)

    Get Clear. Get Results. (TM)

    Enjoy this interview from the archives: Consciously Speaking host Michael Neeley interviews Amy Scott Grant about what it means to get clear and get results. Here we explore the effects of profound clarity, powerful clearing work, permanence, and results. To view the full description on Michael’s site, click here.

  • Spiritual Teams

    Spiritual Teams

    What are “spiritual teams,” what can you use them for, and why are they beneficial? The Spiritual Ass Kicker spills all…