Day 32 of 45: The Ups and Downs
Today is a bit of an up and down, but the more we connect with God, the easier it is to take the downs in stride. What if the purpose of 2021 was to help you learn not to emotionally crash when transitioning from a high high to a low low? Check it out.
Day 12 of 45: Lighter and Higher
Decoding the code; a message of hope; how the energy is shifting. Join the conversation on Telegram here.
Day 10 of 45: What April Brings
Today we’re talking about how to move things forward, bold steps vs. stupid steps, how to get clear about what you want, the nature of April 2021, plus a couple of updates for our regulars. Here’s where you can join me daily on Telegram. Enjoy!
:: Amy TALKS :: Convergence of Energy
Here’s your latest “State of¬†the¬†Universe” address – and here’s what’s happening¬†with the energy right now and why things feel as though they’re converging. Enjoy!
the Power of Intention with Special Guest Granny G
What is intention? Why does it matter if you set intentions or not? How can you use intention setting to your benefit and what does that look like in real life? What are the caveats of setting intentions? Discover this and more when the Spiritual Ass Kicker interviews Granny G.
Unblock Your Creativity
It might surprise you to know that many people who are creatively blocked THINK they are creatively fine! Bring your inner child and come and play with us for a half hour to learn how to unleash your creativity. Wheeeeeeeeee!
HHUA: Spiritually Constipated?
WARNING: Contains explicit language. Audrey Christie was in a self-professed crabby mood and she dropped the F-bomb a few times. When we checked in, it wasn’t optimal to edit that stuff out, so…consider yourself forewarned. NSFW. Not to mention the excessive use of bathroom humor (come on, what did you expect when the topic is […]
Spiritual Teams
What are “spiritual teams,” what can you use them for, and why are they beneficial? The Spiritual Ass Kicker spills all…